Guia docente 2014_15
Escuela de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Distributed and Concurrent Programming
  Description Qualification
Multiple choice tests Proof of theoretical contents exposed in the master classes.

These tests evaluate skill CG3
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. Validation of the work realised in every laboratory session.

These exercises evaluate skills CE33/TEL7
Jobs and projects In the last face-to-face session of workshop, students will deliver and will expose to their mates the design and the proposed solution for their project. This solution will be exposed to debate for students and professors

This project evaluates skills CG4 and CG9
Other comments on the Evaluation

The subject can be surpassed by means of Continuous
Evaluation according to the following criteria, having opened the
possibility to opt by the No Continuous Evaluation anytime until
the beginning of the final examination to celebrate the day fixed to such effect in
the official calendar of the EET. All those students that opt by
the continuous evaluation will consider presented if they evaluate of the part of the
work in Workshops.

Continuous evaluation:

The final note will result of the sum of the corresponding
notes to the three following components:

1.     Four proofs
of type Test to evaluate the contents given in the masterclasses.
Each proof will take place in one of the master classes , except the
last that will realise in one of the sessions of the Workshop.

Up to 1,5 points each proof.

2.     Six Practical
Proofs that will realise when finalising each one of the sessions of
laboratory and that will consist in the validation of the results obtained
during said session.

Up to 1/3 points each proof.

3.     Presentation
of the Project proposed like work in the sessions of the Workshop.

Up to 2 points.

To pass the subject by Continuous Evaluation will have to give the three following
conditions: (i) obtain an equal or upper qualification to 2 points
in the group of the tests.; (ii) Upper qualification to 0 points in, at least,
four of the six practical proofs; and (iii) to attend all the face-to-face
sessions and obtain more than 0 points in the presentation of the

No Continuous Evaluation:

By means of an examination on 10 points scheduled in
the official calendar of the EET.

Final Call:

It will be governed by the indicated for the No Continuous evaluation.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000