Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Máster Universitario en Estudos Ingleses Avanzados e as súas Aplicacións
  Literaturas e Perspectivas de Xénero no Ámbito Anglófono
Tema Subtema
Introduction 1.1. Theoretical approaches to theatre and drama
1.2. Feminism and gender
Women playwrights in the first decades of the XX century 2.1. First wave of feminism
2.2. Experimentation and avant-garde
Broadway playwrights 3.1. Female representations on the mainstream
3.2. Images of women by women
Off- and Off-Off Broadway 4.1. Alternative spaces and alternative voices
4.2. Second wave of feminism and consciousness raising
Diversity and globalization 5.1. Black female playwrights
5.2. Latina playwrights
5.3. Sexuality and diversity: The AIDS crisis, reproductive rights, gender violence
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