Educational guide 2014_15
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Máster Universitario en Estudios Ingleses Avanzados y sus Aplicaciones
  Modelos de Interpretación Literario-Cultural en los Países de Habla Inglesa
  Descripción Calificación
Debates Participation in debates in class. Debates will pursue the critical understanding of cultural and literary theories as well as open-mindedness and receptiveness to critical approaches different from our own. 20
Presentaciones/exposiciones Oral presentations in class. Oral presentations will pursue the critical understanding of cultural and literary theories as well as open-mindedness and receptiveness to critical approaches different from our own. 30
Trabajos y proyectos Final written paper that has as its main objective the proper use of scholarly tools and practices: originality, correct use of bibliographical material and other sources of information. This written essay should follow all the structural and formal academic requirements. 50
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Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000