Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Fisioterapia
Grado en Fisioterapia
  Inglés para ciencias de la salud
Tema Subtema
1. Introduction to communication
Recognising the different elements that make up communication. Understanding how good communication benefits the patient interview. Numerals.
2. Developing language and communications skills for the patient encounter Receiving the patient. The presenting complaint. Past medical and family history. The social history and telephone consultations.
3. Taking past medical history, family history and carrying out the physical examination Giving results. Planning treatment and closing the interview. Dealing with sensitive issues. Breaking bad news.
4. Interviewing different patient categories Communicating with challenging patients. Communicating with the elderly. Communicating with children and adolescents
5. Introduction to communication skills
Presentation skills (conference presentations, case presentations, data presentation, job interviews). Reading skills (skimming, scanning, etc.). Writing skills ("abstracts").
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