Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Primaria
  Lingua inglesa e a súa didáctica
Topic Sub-topic
(*)1. Theoretical model of the tongue like communication: The approach oriented to the action. (*)
(*)2. Identification of opportunities in the surroundings for *fomentar the proper learning and diagnostic of needs and objective. Use *deinternet for autonomous learning. (*)
(*)3. The presentation of new functional elements, *gramaticais and lexical in the classroom. The oral practice in the classroom by means of communicative activities in couples and groups. (*)
(*)4. The place of the games *gramaticais in the classroom; create and carry out activities that *fomentan the communicative and autonomous „production&*amp;#8223; in the classroom. *Ocontacontos In the classroom of foreign tongue. (*)4it. Songs and @músico in the class of English in Primary Education.4*b. The paper of the tales in the class of English of Primary Education.4*d. The use of the game in the class of English of Primary Education.
(*)7. Tongue. Who are? (*)7it. Physical characteristics, affective and personal: describe to yes same and them other in #have of the *apariencia and of the character. Identify somebody by means of his description.7*b. Express the agreement and the disagreement; technicians of *clarificación, *paráfrase *everificación.
(*)8. Tongue. To means in the that live. (*)8it. Description of houses and places.8*b. Understanding of announcements of flats and houses in rent.8*c. *Orientarse In the city.
L3- A xente e os seus hábitos. 3.1 Lectura do periódico. Os livros favoritos. A televisión e o cine. Os xogos electrónicos.
3.2 Os hábitos de compra. As marcas comerciais.
3.3 A roupa favorita
3.5 Comparando e contrastando
L4- A práctica do deporte na sociedade actual. 4.1 descrición dos deportes que poden practicarse. Habilidades deportivas.
4.2 O deporte e o xénero do deportista. Desigualdades.
4.3 Expresión das ventaxas e desventaxas dos deportes.
4.4 Os conectores lingüísticos
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