Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Primaria
  French language and their didactics
Topic Sub-topic
(*)2. Personal experiences *delaprendizaje of the foreign tongue; identification of opportunities in the surroundings for *fomentar the own learning and *diagnóstica of needs and objective. Use of internet for autonomous learning. (*)
(*)3. The presentation of new functional elements, grammatical and lexical in the classroom of French. The oral practice in the classroom by means of communicative activities *enparejas and groups. (*)
(*)4. The place of the grammatical games in the classroom; create and carry out activities *quefomentan the communicative and autonomous ‘production’ in the classroom. The *cuentacuentos in the classroom of foreign tongue. (*)
(*)5. The didactic unit: preparation of a didactic unit – election of thematic,identification of put and objective and of linguistic competitions, *socioculturales,*discursivas and strategic, planning and *temporalización of the unit; exhibition in front of the mates and the professor, evaluation by part of the mates. (*)
(*)The evaluation: evaluate the own experience with this *asignatura in terms of *lasnecesidades and objective identified to the start of the course; the evaluation of the English/*francésen the classroom of primary, by part of the professor and by part of the student. (*)
(*)7. Tongue. Who am? - Physical characteristics, affective and personal: describe to if same and the other in terms of the appearance and of the character; express the agreement and the disagreement; identify to somebody by means of his description; technicians of *clarificación, *paráfrasis, and *verificación. (*)
(*)8. Tongue. The surroundings in which lived: description of houses; understanding of announcements of flats and houses in rent; orient in the city. (*)
(*)9. Tongue. Request a work: comprise texts related with the labour world;practise interviews of work in couples; read and write letters of application of employment. (*)
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