Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Primaria
  Language & literature didactics: Galician
Topic Sub-topic
(*)Basic considerations envelope to *linguaxe human and the process of learning: the 4 linguistic skills. (*)
(*)The linguistic history of the Galicia how base stop the understanding of the situation *socio-lingüística current Galician and of the *suas didactic implications. (*)- The process *histórico-lingüístico in the Galicia.- The situation *socio-lingüística current and the *suas didactic implication: difficulties and challenges.
(*)The *fonetismo Galician and his problems in the didactic of the tongue. (*)- The system *fonético Galician.- Didactic problems in the learning of the *fonetismo Galician.
(*)*Morfo-sintaxe, *léxico and *onomástica: didactic applications. (*)- The *mofo-sintaxe Galician and the didactic problems that shuts.- The *léxico and the *onomástica (*antroponimia and *toponimia Galician): didactic applications.
(*)The varieties *diatópicas of the *língua. (*)- The varieties *dialectais and the *suas eventual didactic implications in the learning of the common tongue.- The linguistic unity *galego-portuguesa in the history and in the present.
(*)The literature *galego-portuguesa mediaeval and the *suas *posbilidades didactic. (*)- The mediaeval prose.- The poetry *trovadoresca *galego-portuguesa.
(*)Didactic of the literature. (*)- Strategies for it didactic of the literary genders: narrative, *poesia, theater.- The popular and childish literature Galician.
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