Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Xeografía para mestres
  Description Qualification
Classroom work Three theoretical proofs on the basic concepts and contents of the *temario 10
Tutored works Three practical proofs on appearances treated in the *temario 10
Others Assistance and active participation in the activities of the classroom 5
Long answer tests and development Three theoretical proofs on the basic concepts and contents of the *temario 35
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Three practical proofs on appearances treated in the *temario 35
Other Assistance and active participation in the activities of the classroom 5
Other comments on the Evaluation

The theoretical and practical proofs, the works of classroom, *tutelado and other activities will be *liberatorias. In the final examination (official) will do the parts that remain pending, in his case. In case of not assisting and not realising the activities, or not realising the corresponding proofs, will do all in the final examination (official). To obtain an approved in the final qualification is NECESSARY CONDITION have surpassed the theoretical and practical proofs. The realisation of the other activities by himself alone, although numerically they allow it, will not be sufficient to achieve the approved final. Of the same way, the approved of the theoretical part-practical will not suffice for the approved final without the realisation and *superación of the other activities. 

The theoretical proofs and practices will not compensate between yes of face to the final note; it is precise to approve the three parts of independent way. The theoretical contents-practical of each proof will be the following: in the first, the ones of the block 1; in the second, the ones of the block 2; in the third, the ones of the block 3. 

To the theoretical partial proofs-practical only will be able to present those students that have delivered a *ficha properly cover inside the first month.

In the second announcement, July, and other extraordinary announcements, will have to do a global examination of the matter. They will not conserve the notes of eventual parts approved. Only they will conserve , in case to have realised in the classroom, the qualifications of the activities of the classes *B. Of have not realised these activities, will have to realise in this examination.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000