Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Aprendizaxe da lingua estranxeira: Inglés
Topic Sub-topic
(*)1. Theoretical model of the tongue how communication: you attach them *orientadas to the action. (*)1it. The variables of the teaching of the foreign tongues in the primary education:age, initial tongue, context *sociocultural, needs and objective.1*b. The English how foreign tongue.1*c. Methodologies in the teaching of the foreign tongues.
(*)2. It attaches didactic by tasks and competitions. (*)2it. Learning of the foreign tongue by projects in the Childish Education.2*b. The European Picture Common of Reference stop the tongues (*CECR).
(*)3. Curriculum of foreign tongues. (*)3it. The legislation concerning the teaching of the foreign tongues in the childish education.3*b. The level *B1 of the *MECR in childish education: objective, contents and competitions.
(*)4. *Elaboración Of didactic unities. (*)4it. Activities to work the linguistic competitions in *linguaestranxeira: oral and @escrito understanding, oral and @escrito expression.4*b. The election of materials to work in the classroom: documents *pedagoxizados and authentic documents.4*c. Songs, tales and games in the class of French of Childish Education.4*d. *Temporalización Of aims, contents and activities
(*)5. Methods of global and analytical evaluation. (*)5it. The *avaliciación of the oral and @escrito understanding.5*b. The evaluation of the oral and @escrito expression.
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