Guia docente 2014_15
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Education: Diversity and the inclusive school
  Description Qualification
Tutored works Evaluation of the works delivered by the students in base to a didactic guide elaborated for each work and delivered previously by the professor. 20
Integrated methodologies Evaluation of the dossiers delivered by the students in base to the didactic guide of investigation posed. 40
Short answer tests The students have to realise a proof of short answer, that explores the theoretical and practical knowledges of the subject. 40
Other comments on the Evaluation

Criteria to surpass the matter:

- Students Assistant: it understands by students assistant to what assist with regularity to classes (like minimum 80%). East will have to realise the three parts indicated in the section of Evaluation and will be indispensable condition to surpass the matter that obtain in each one of them at least a 5.

- No student assistant: it understands by no student assistant what do not assist with regularity to classes (fault more than 80%). East will have to realise an only proof: an examination in which they go in all the contents of the matter included the tackled in the works. It will be indispensable condition to surpass the matter that obtain at least a 5 in east.

Second announcement:

The no purchased competitions in first announcement, will be evaluated in second (July). Of not approving then, will not save .

It answers to the same *exigencias and proofs realised in the first.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000