Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  End of degree project
  Description Qualification
Tutored works
The professor will do a continuous evaluation of the work of the student. Before the date 30 established stop the presentation and defence of the TFG, the court of evaluation will have the
report of assessment of the director envelope the work realized by part of the student with a partial assessment of the even.
1. The act of presentation will be realized pole student/it in public session in the date and hour assigned. Of exceptional way, the Commission of Academic Coordination will be able to approve another modality, previous formal application and motivated of the student/it and always that it was possible.
2. The student/will expose it in a maximum time of fifteen minutes a summary of the TFG and of the main results and conclusions achieved. Later, without surpassing the thirty minutes, the members of the evaluation court will realize the observations and opportune considerations.

1. Celebrated the act of public presentation of the TFG, the evaluation court will deliberate envelope to qualification taking in consideration the report issued by the tutor to the quality of the contained of the TFG, as well as the exhibition, in particular, the clarity and the capacity of debate and defence of the student.
2. The qualification will be the sum pondered of the qualification of the Court (of 0 to 7 points) but the assessment of the *titor (of 0 to 3 points). The assessment of the Court will be the average of the notes attributed by each of the his members. In this point the Court use the Norms of Academic Management stop the qualifications of Degree regulated Real pole Decree 1393/2007 valid in the University of Vigo.
3. The deliberations of the Court to qualify the TFG will be the door closed. Once finalized the act of defence, the court will do public the qualification.
4. To the end of the evaluation and qualification of the totality of the TFG of the degree, the evaluation court will be able to concede mentions of matrícula of honour pursuant to the normative.
5. In the case that the qualification of the TFG do not achieve the minimum qualification of approved (5.0), the Court will owe to indicate those susceptible aspects of correction and improvement to achieve the before qualification.
Other comments on the Evaluation



In the term of five days
explained from the celebration of the act of presentation, the student/will be able to request it the review of the qualification
awarded to the TFG.

In the application of review
will owe to feature, expresses and motiviate it, the concrete aspects of the TFG that substantiate the discrepancy with the
qualification awarded. The evaluation court will resolve it.

́ Indispensable condition stop the defence of the TFG had done to matrícula of all the subjects required to finalize the
Plan of Studios of Degree.

The matrícula in the TFG will award the right of two official announcements in the academic course, consistent to the established in the
academic calendar approved in the faculty.

In the case to not approve, the court will do to arrive a report with the opportune recommendations to the
student and to the director for it improved work and his back evaluation. The review *oureclamación of the final
qualifications of the TFG carry consistent previst in the Rule of Evaluation, to the equal that any another subject
*doplan of studios. 

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