Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  End of degree project
Topic Sub-topic
1. The teaching staff of the Faculty will present to the Commission of Academic Coordination the thematic proposals stop the realization of TFG, inside the established in the calendar that present it such effect
2. The students also will be able to present thematic proposals no collected in the previous part, being able to be assumed, or no, by any teacher in quality of tutor.
3. The Commission of Academic Coordination will be able to receive pertinent thematic proposals of institution or extraneous services to the centre or to the University. Such proposal owes to be supported by any teacher of the centre, that will act how tutor.
4. Always that the Faculty have of her, this process will realize by means of application computing.
1. The Commission of Academic Coordination will approve and will publish a listed of thematic proposals, indicating at least the Degree/ to the that vain destined, the academic tutor manager, and, in each proposal, the number of squares that offer .
2. The thematic proposals will owe to surpass in a 10% the number of enrolled in the subject of TFG.
3. The listed will fix a term so that the students formalize the application of assignment of thematic proposals with the respective *titor/to academic.
4. Always that the Faculty have of her, this process will realize by means of an application computing.
1. The TFG does part of the flat of studies of all official title of Degree. In the Degrees that impart in the FCED amount to 6 ECTS in the Degree in Childish Education, Degree in Primary Education and Degree in CC. Of the Physical Activity and when Deposing you. It Will owe to be realized of personal way and autonomous pole students, following the orientations of a *titora or *titor academic.
2. The TFG will be guided the one who the students show the capacity of integration of diverse formative contents and competitions associated to the title, adjusting to the contemplated in each of the respective memories of the degrees and to the his concretion in the teaching guides.
3. In any case can be a work presented with anteriority put student in subject of any qualifications, although it can integrate or develop handsome works in activities of other subjects of the Degree.
4. The work of end of degree will be able to elaborated in institutions or external companies to the University of Vigo, us have to establish in the institutional agreements signed. In this case it will exist the figure of a person *cotitora belonging to the institution or company. The academic tutor will share with the person as co-tutor the tasks of direction and orientation of the/the student, and will be, in any case, responsibility of the academic tutor facilitate the management.
4. The evaluation of the TFG will be responsibility of a court constituted in accordance with the established in the art. 6. But, in attention to the special circumstances to Commission of Academic Coordination will be able to determine alternative formulas of evaluation.
1. Stop the assignment of the thematic proposals will attend, preferably and firstly, to the agreement go in the student/it and the academic tutor. If it was not the case, will take in account the academic file or the draw to fix an order of selection of thematic proposals.
2. Always that the Faculty have of her, this process will realize by means of an application computing.
3. To the beginning of the first cuatrimester, the Commission will publish a listed with the definitive assignment of thematic proposals and *titores consistent academics to the previous criteria.
4. Be able to be demanded regarding these adjudications in the term of seven natural days @perante the Commission of Academic Coordination.
5. The assignment of academic tutor and thematic proposal of TFG will be valid during two academic courses in the that finds enrolled the student or student.
6. Nonetheless, the students will be able to request a change so much of the tutor how of the subject of the his work. Of the even way, the tutor also will be able to request change of student assigned and of subjects offered. In both cases will adjust to the calendar and established it such effect.
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