Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Physical exercise & welfare programs
  Description Qualification
Master Session To obtain this qualification is indispensable requirement reach 80% of the time of practice.
CLARIFICATION: And indispensable condition reach 80% of assistance to the theorist and to the practice to be evaluation in both split.
Jobs and projects To approve this part owes to reached 50% of the qualify of this part.

The students will owe to designe, schedule and develope a work by Project of one fear linked with the subject.
The students will owe *cumplir with the requirements of registration in the Work by Project, that was established in theoretical and practical kinds, us first 30 days of kind. The *incumplimento of this requirement will suppose to lose the right of participation in the project in this part.

The requirements of manufacture, develop and evaluation of the "Project" will be exposed pole teaching staff in kind and places it in the TEMA platform.
Short answer tests To approve this part owes to reached 50% of this qualification part. 30
Practical tests, real task execution and / or simulated. To obtain this qualify is indispensable requirement reach 80% of the time of practice.

CLARIFICATION: it IS indispensable condition reach 80% of assistance to the theorist and to the practice to be evaluated in both split.
Other comments on the Evaluation


final qualification of the subject will calculate from the sum of the
partial notes of each proof or *apartado, provided that it reach
50% of the note of the project parta and in the examination is to say:

  1. Assistance and participation to sessions *maxistrais and practical (10% in total);
  2. Assessment of the process of manufacture and of the resulted of the project (60%);
  3. Proof written (30%);


The criteria will be the same out of the assistance and participation (10%).

In case of not approving in 1ª edition the "Project", to approve it in the 2ª edition, will be able to be substitue by a proof writing that evaluate the same competitions that intends develope and will have an equivalent value to the project of the 1ª edition.

They Will save
the partial notes approved in 1ª edition stop this 2ª edition.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000