Guia docente 2014_15
Facultade de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte
Grao en Ciencias da Actividade Física e do Deporte
  Sociology: Sociology & history of physical activity & sports
Topic Sub-topic
Theoretical and methodological introduction
The physical activity and the sport like objects of study of the History and of the Sociology.
Time and historical time.
Perspective and sociological methodology.
The physical activity through the time Physical Activity and culture.
Physical activity in the Classical Antiquity. From the pre-sport practices to the sport.
Génesis and development of the sport industrial Society and sport.
The sportive model English.
International diffusion of the sport.
The Olympic Movement. The period of the positivism.
The phenomenon of themundialisatión and the international associations.
The work of the Baron of Coubertain.
The configuration of the Olympic Movement.
Ideology of the olympic movement.
Society, culture, political and communication Society, cultural and normative socialisation. Phenomena sociocultural.
Politics and ideology.
Institutions, structure, processes and deviation. Power, control and deviation.
Gender, masculinity and femininity.
Meanings of the body.
Structure of the physical practice-sportive.
Groups, networks and organisations.
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