Guia docente 2013_14
Escuela de Negocios Caixanova
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Liderado e habilidades da comunicación
   Sources of information
Alvarez, G, La comunicación como reflejo cultural: elementos no verbales, Mergablum,
Trompenaars, F., Riding the waves of culture, The Economist,
Jamardo, B., Body language in intercultural negotiations, Licolm Europe,
Hofstede, G et al;, Cultures and organizations: The software of the mind, McGraw Hill,
Earley, P. et al.,, Developing cultural intelligence at work, Stanford Business Books,
Livermore, D., The cultural intelligence difference, Amacom Books,
Samovar, al.,, Communication between cultures, Thomson Wadsworht,
Llamazares, O., Como negociar con éxito en 50 países., Global Marketing Strategies,
Gesteland, R, Cross-cultural business behaviour, CBS Press,
Mole, J., Mind your manners: Managing business in a global world, Nicholas Brealey,
Livermore, D., Leading with cultural intelligence, Amacom Books,
Dumetz, J. et al.,, Cross-cultural management textbook, Dumetz. Eds,
Dowling, al.,, International Human Resources Management, South Western Cencage,,, (country attitudes worldwide), (cultural values worldwide), (multicultural resources. On line quizzes.Free country guides),
Jamardo,B., Lideranca intercultural: O grande desafio da globalizaciao, 20 Valores nº.1. Angola,

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