Guia docente 2013_14
Escuela de Negocios Caixanova
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Liderado e habilidades da comunicación
Topic Sub-topic
1. CULTURAL DIFFERENCES: FUNDAMENTALS 1.1. How does culture affect our perception of the world?
1.2. Are we becoming more global or more diverse?
1.3. What is culture and what is a stereotype?: False beliefs and miscategorisations
1.4. Cultural differences in international management.
2.2. Hampden Turner & Trompenaars
2.3. The Globe Project: Chokkar
2.4. The world value survey: Inglehart
2.5. The Lewis Pyramid
2.6. Schwartz
2.7. House
3. HOFSTEDE MODEL OF CULTURAL DIMENSIONS 3.1. Collectivist cultures versus Individualist
3.2. Egalitarian versus hierarchical
3.3. Masculine versus feminine cultures
3.4. High uncertainty avoidance versus low
3.5. Long term versus short term
3.6. Indulgence versus restraint
4. CULTURAL PROFILE OF GALICIAN TARGET MARKETS 4.1. Europe: France, UK, Italy, Germany, Portugal
4.2. Eastern European Countries
4.3. BRICS: Brasil, Russia, India, China and Southafrica.
4.4. Latam: Colombia, Mexico, Chile and Panama
4.5. Arab countries: Morocco, Tanger, Argelia
4.6. Africa: Ghana, Angola
5. INTERCULTURAL LEADERSHIP 5.1. Cultural differences in recruitment
5.2. Expat management: Reasons for failure
5.3. The cultural shock
5.4. Management of multicultural virtual teams
5.5. Intercultural Quotient Test: A tool for ntercultural leadership improvement.
6. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 6.1. Cultural differences in negotiation
6.2. The profile of the good intercultural negotiator
6.3. Communication styles: East versus West
6.4. Non verbal communication in intercultural negotiation
6.5. Gestures: Universal or culturally bound?
6.6. Key elements in negotiation: The environment, the encounter and the creation of rapport.
6.7. Revealing gestures: Deceit and disagreement.
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