Guia docente 2013_14
Escuela de Negocios Caixanova
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Ética e responsabilidade social corporativa
  Description Qualification
Presentations / exhibitions Pair work mark on CSR initiatives will be based on quality of sources, communication skills, general content, and question time performance. 10
Proceedings Team research will be assessed by taking into account both the oral presentations and the r written assignment of the project. The oral presentation will consider both individual performance (communication skills in English) and team work ( arguments, sources, visual support). 20
Master Session The content of the master sessions will be assessed through a final exam which will be divided into a theoretical part and a practical one. The practical part will include case studies, media news, topics presented by student pairs and also some question regarding the compulsory readings. 70
Other comments on the Evaluation

Plagiarism will be severely penalised.

Coursework will not be accepted after the deadline. This also applies to presentation dates.

Class attendance is an essential component of continuous assessment, therefore attendance is compulsory. ALL absences will be taken into account, even if certificates or other evidence have been handed in.

The penalties for non attendance will be as follows:

- Non attendance of more than 6 hours of class hours will be penalised by reducing the continuous assessment mark by one third.

- Non attendance of more than 12 hours of class hours will be penalised by reducing the continuous assessment mark by two thirds.

- Non attendance of more than 18 hours of class hours will be penalised by being awarded a zero mark for their continuous assessment mark.

The grade obtained in the continuous assessment mark will be maintained in the resit exam during academic session 2013-14.

Final exams are corrected using "blind marking".

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000