Guia docente 2013_14
Escuela de Negocios Caixanova
Grao en Administración e Dirección de Empresas
  Dirección estratéxica
Topic Sub-topic
1. Business Strategy 1.1 The concept of strategy
1.2 Strategic management
1.3 Levels of strategy
1.4 Strategic vision: concept, characteristics
1.5 Strategic vision and the stakeholders
2. Strategy and competitiveness 2.1 Concept and dimensions of competitiveness
2.2 Factors of competitiveness
2.3 Competitive advantages
2.4 Models to measure competitiveness and designing the strategy to follow
3. Strategic diagnosis 3.1 Analysing the general environment
3.2 Analysing the specific environment
3.3 Analysing the business
3.4 Strategic support and processes
3.5 The culture of the company
4. Business strategies 4.1 Cost leadership
4.2 Differentiation
4.3 Expansion strategies
4.4 Adapting the strategy to the specific situation of each industry and of each company
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