Guia docente 2013_14
E. U. de Estudios Empresariales
Máster Universitario en Comercio Internacional
  Dirección Internacional da Empresa e os Mercados no Mundo
Topic Sub-topic
Introduction: Opportunities and Potentialities of the International Trade 1. Introduction.
2. Why the internationalization?
The managerial function and the strategic planning 1. Current crisis and the internationalisation.
2. The internationalisation of the company.
3. Keys for the success.
Managerial skills in the international markets 1. Previous concepts.
2. Typification of companies and styles of direction.
3. Matrix T-H.
The internationalisation of the company 1. The importance of country brand.
2. Positioning the firm outside.
3. Integrated strategy for the internationalisation of the company.
The international businesses environment 1. The outline in the international marketing.
2. Analysis PESTEL.
The plan of internationalisation and the plan of marketing 1. Attitude and managerial orientation.
2. Process of decision of internationalisation.
3. Operative marketing: strategies and tactical for the internationalisation.
International markets research 1. Introduction.
2. Methodology for the evaluation and analysis of markets.
3. Investigation of external markets
Markets arround the world (*)*I_ *UEII_ *EEUUIII_ *ChinaIV_ Brazil
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