Educational guide 2013_14
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Teoría de redes e conmutación
  Description Qualification
Projects Group work, presentation and defense of the resolution of a typical real-world problem by applying both theoretical knowledge as using, where appropriate, the software tools used in practical classes. 20
Long answer tests and development Final test done on the total of the subject. 50
Long answer tests and development Partial test developed over the first two themes, around the eighth week of class. 30
Other comments on the Evaluation

is left to the discretion of the students two alternative evaluation
methods in the subject: continuous assessment and one-time evaluation.

To pass the course both continuous assessment and one-time evaluation, the alumni  must and pass the correctness test of the proposed practices for hours B of the subject.

Also the selection of continuous assessment involves conduct a non-scoring short test (15 minutes) of previous and basic knowledge on the second week at hour A. In addition to this short test, continuous
assessment will consist on the group development of two projects (each
project half the note), a partial test on the first two topics, and the
completion of a written exam at the end of the quarter about the total content of the subject. The statements in the specification of the projects will be proposed before ending the respective classes about those topics. To
be qualifying, the projects have to be delivered within a period not
shorter than 7 calendar days after the relevant class C of discussion with
the teacher about the progress of it, the teacher will qualify within 7
calendar days after delivery. The rating of the projects and partial test is effective only in the course they are proposed, including the second opportunity at the end of the academic year. In any case, the minimum score on the continuous assessment evaluation (once the requirements of the second paragraph and beginning of this one are met) is given by the result in the final test: score = max (0.2 x projects + 0.3 x partial + 0.5 x final, final).

The one-time assessment will consist of a written examination on the contents of the subject. The final grade (once the requirement of the second paragraph is met) will be the score obtained in the exam.

All students who have attended the partial test or attend the final exam will be subjected to a final qualification. The
evaluation mode (continuous or one-time) will be chosen in the act of
examination, exercise whose wording is different for each type of
evaluation. Those
who fail the course at the first opportunity at the quarter end have a
second at the end of the academic year, similar to the first call: The evaluation mode
(continuous or one-time) will be chosen in the act of examination,
exercise whose statement will be different for each type of evaluation.

Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000