Educational guide 2013_14
Escola de Enxeñaría de Telecomunicación
Grao en Enxeñaría de Tecnoloxías de Telecomunicación
  Física: Análise de circuítos lineais
Methodologies   ::  Teaching methodology guide
Introductory activities Presentation of the course: syllabus, bibliography, teaching methodology, and assessment and grading procedures.
Master Session The goal of this methodology is the presentation of the theoretical contents and the practical assessment about students learning abilities.
In 3 of these sessions, written quizzes will be conducted of 55 minutes each as a maximum.
Laboratory practises Circuit simulation exercises will be done by using PSpice and Matlab software packages for 20 hours (in 3 of them evaluatiin exercices will be conducted). During 6 additional hours circuit implementation and measurement tasks will be done, with two evaluation exercises.
Forum Index The course web site is hosted in UVIGO e-learning platform ( It includes all the information related to the course. Forums for ideas interchanging and comments will be available.
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000