Guia docente 2013_14
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Máster Universitario en Estudos Ingleses Avanzados e as súas Aplicacións
  Movementos Literarios e Culturais dos Países de Fala Inglesa
Tema Subtema
I. Urbanization, industrialization & capitalism in the US: first literary responses.
-- the growth & development of cities in the east and Midwest (Chicago, New York, Philadelphia)

-- the consequences of US industrialization: mass migration (1880-1925) , Capitalism: chain production & working conditions, the formation of urban slums and ghettoes, ethnic and socioeconomic divides.

-- ideological implications: the ‘success ethic’ and social Darwinism, social awareness of inequality: socialism and trade unions.

-- literature: realism & naturalism, sociopolitical literature
II. The City as Character/Persona: Chicago poets and Modernism. -- an urban culture and an urban rhythm: advertising, journalism, commuting and entertainment; from the city as background to the city as protagonist.

-- new artistic movements and cinema: influence on a new writing; formal experimentation and narrative techniques; polyphony, collage, private/public voices.
III. The Ambivalent Harlem Renaissance City. -- an urban culture and an urban rhythm: advertising, journalism, commuting and entertainment; from the city as background to the city as protagonist.

-- Harlem, ‘a city within a city’; race building: the new negro; from the rural South to cosmopolitanism; Harlem as real space / mythical space

-- connections with the city in Modernism
IV. Jewish Immigrant Narratives
-- industrialization and the city as source of oppression (precedents in I); the city as key influence in the individual’s formation: Bildungsroman, memoir, autobiography.

-- immigrant narratives; the city as racial and cultural mosaic: assimilation and cosmopolitanism vs. ethnic, cultural and religious heritage.

-- the Jewish Left in the Depression: the “proletarian novel” (M. Gold) vs Jewish modernism: Henry Roth.
V. Apocalyptic Visions -- the city as source of evil, epitome of a polarized society, symbol of a decadent civilization.

-- an urban travesty, the city of ‘make-believe’: Los Angeles / Hollywood.

-- social determinism and naturalism; surrealism and the grotesque.
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