Guia docente 2013_14
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grao en Linguas Estranxeiras
  Xéneros literarios do primeiro idioma estranxeiro: Inglés
   Bibliografía. Fontes de información
Bakhtin, Mikhail, The Dialogic Imagination. Four Essays, Austin: U. Texas P.,
Boddy, Kasia, The American Short Story Since 1950, Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press,
Davis, Lennard J., Factual Fictions: The Origins of the English Novel, Philadelphia: U. Pennsylvania P.,
Duff, David (ed.), Modern Genre Theory, Harlow: Longman,
Fowler, Alistair, Kinds of Literature. An Introduction to the Theory of Genres and Modes, Oxford: Clarendon Press,
Fuchs, Barbara, The Romance, London: Routledge,
Levy, Andrew, The Culture and Commerce of the American Short Story, Cambridge: C.U.P.,
Lohafer, Susan (ed.), Short Story Theory at the Crossroads, Baton Rouge: Lousiana State Press,
Lohafer, Susan, Reading for Storyness, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U.P.,
May, Charles (ed.), The New Short Story Theories, Athens : Ohio U.P.,
May, Charles, The Short Story: The Reality of Artifice, New York: Twayne,
McKeon, Michael, The Origins of the English Novel. 1600-1740, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U.P.,
McKeon, Michael, Theory of the Novel. A Historical Approach, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U.P.,
Shaw, Valerie, The Short Story: A Critical Introduction, New York: Longman,
Stevick, Philip (ed), The American Short Story : 1900-1945 : A Critical History, Boston : Twayne,
Tallack, Douglas, The Nineteenth-Century American Short Story : Language, Form and Ideology, London : Routledge,
Todorov, Tzvetan, Genres in Discourse, Cambridge: C.U.P,

Os textos de lectura obrigatoria e obxecto de análise nesta materia serán especificados ao principio do cuadrimestre.

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