Guia docente 2013_14
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grao en Linguas Estranxeiras
  Estrutura do primeiro idioma estranxeiro: Inglés
  Description Qualification
Introductory activities Evaluation of the assimilation of contents by means of an initial test. 0
Master Session Participation in the lectures. 3
Seminars Evaluation of the activities developed during the seminars. 7
Troubleshooting and / or exercises Evaluation of the exercises and/or problems. 10
Others Partial and finalist written assessment:
- partial evaluation: 20%
- final evaluation: 60%
If the score of the final test is better than the one of the partial test, only the first score will be considered here.
Other comments on the Evaluation


The first chance of assessment implies continuous follow-up, as detailed above. The written partial and final assessment tests will take place during the teaching period and their dates will be agreed by the teachers and the students. The dates will be announced through the e-learning platform.
All assignments required in class are mandatory and must be submitted before the specific deadlines. The assignments that have not been submitted at all or have been submitted after the deadline will count as a zero (out of 10 points). Similarly, the assignments that do not meet the minimum requirements of linguistic correctness and/or contain important grammatical errors count as zero. Partial or complete plagiarism will count as zero in a given assignment.
The minimum score required in the so-called written and partial final assessment tests will be 5 out of 10.

If a student does not want to benefit from continuous assessment, s/he should tell the teacher at the beginning of the semester (in the first two weeks of class). In this case, the student will be assessed by way of the final test, based on the contents of the class, combining theoretical questions and practical exercises; the score achieved in this test will constitute 100% of the final grade. This test will take place at a time agreed by the teachers of the course and will be published in the e-learning platform. The choice of this option in any case involves the loss of the right to attend classes whenever possible.


In the second chance (July), assessment will be carried out by a single test, based on the contents of the subject, combining theoretical questions and practical exercises; this score will constitute 100% of the final grade. This test will take place in July on the official date approved by the Faculty Board.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000