Guia docente 2013_14
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grao en Linguas Estranxeiras
  Historia do primeiro idioma estranxeiro: Inglés
Tema Subtema
0. Studying the history of English: The whys and wherefores Why study the history of English? Methods, materials and limitations of historical linguistics. On defining linguistic periods: linguistic and extralinguistic criteria.
1. The Old English period Introduction. Historical background. The backgrounds of English: The Indo-European languages. The Germanic languages in their Indo-European context. The place of Old English among the Germanic languages. Old English dialects. Orthography and pronunciation. Morphology. Syntax. The lexicon.
2. The Middle English Period Introduction. Historical background. Linguistic consequences of the historical situation in medieval England. Middle English dialects. The emergence of a new written standard. Orthography and phonology. Morphology. Syntax.
3. The (early and late) Modern English period Introduction. Historical background. Attitudes towards language. The growth of prestige of the English language. The ideal of correctness and the attempt to fix the language: Dictionaries, grammars and the rise of prescriptivism. The growth of the English vocabulary. Orthography and phonology. Morphology. Syntax.
4. Epilogue. At the dawn of the twenty-first century: English in the computer age
Changes in progress. The new information revolution and the future of English.
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