Guia docente 2013_14
Facultad de CC. Sociales y de la Comunicación
Grao en Dirección e Xestión Pública
  Metodoloxías e técnicas de investigación social aplicadas ás administracións públicas
  Description Qualification
Master Session A asistencia e traballo desenvolto nestas clases terase presente na avaliación desta materia. 7.5
Troubleshooting and / or exercises A asistencia e traballo desenvolto nestas clases terase presente na avaliación desta materia. 7.5
Short answer tests Probas para avaliación das competencias adquiridas, que inclúen preguntas relativas aos contidos impartidos nas sesións maxistrais, nas sesións de resolución de problemas e nos seminarios. 65
Jobs and projects Tarefas que o alumno debe desenvolver de forma autónoma, co asesoramento do profesor, no período de tempo no que se imparta a docencia presencial. Estas tarefas son un prerrequisito para superar a materia. 20
Other comments on the Evaluation

This course is divided into two parts, so that each will count 50% of the final mark:

- The first part covers the topics 1-3, taught in the first half of the semester.

- The second part covers the topics 4-6, taught  in the second half of the semester.

The percentages assigned to each rating of the course are as follows:

- For the first part: Master Session -> 10%, solving problems and / or exercises -> 5%, short answer tests -> 60%, Jobs and Projects -> 25%

- For the second part: Master Session -> 5%, Troubleshooting and / or exercises -> 10%, short answer tests -> 70%, Jobs and Projects -> 15%

- For complete course (making the average): Master Session -> 7.5%, Troubleshooting and / or exercises -> 7.5%, short answer tests -> 65%, Jobs and Projects -> 20 %

To pass this subject in May-June 2014, will have to overcome independently each of the parties, according to the scale established for qualifications. In that case, if you exceed both parties, the grade will be the average of the same.

To call in July 2014 and subsequent, the same criteria will be used for the call of May-June 2014.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000