Guia docente 2013_14
Facultad de CC. Sociales y de la Comunicación
Grao en Dirección e Xestión Pública
  Metodoloxías e técnicas de investigación social aplicadas ás administracións públicas
Topic Sub-topic
1.Science as cognitive paradigm and the scientific status of the social sciences. Ontology, epistemology and methodology of science. The methodological plurality.
2. Research as a process; designs and strategies.
Formulation and operationalization of the problem. Designs and strategies.
3. Qualitative techniques of investigation. Observation and the documentary compilation. Interview and the group techniques
4. Design of surveys. Phases in the design of a survey.
Stages in the design of a survey. Identification of the problem and objectives. Development of the questionnaire. Sample design. Data entry. Analysis of the information. Fact Sheet. Making a report.
5. Quantitative techniques of investigation. Population and sample. Types of sampling. Level of confidence, error and size of the sample. Finite and infinite populations.
6. Computing applied to resolution of practical cases. Use of the programs Excel and Dyan for application of concepts and techniques to solving exercises and case studies.
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