Guia docente 2013_14
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Matemáticas para mestres: Educación infantil
Topic Sub-topic
(*)1. The area of @Matemático in the curriculum of the Childish Education.2. Logic. Conjoint. Relations: Classifications and *ordenacións. Operations3. The number. History of the systems of numbering. The natural numbers: cardinal aspect and *ordinal. Operations. Systems of numbering. Numerical groups.4. The space. History of the Geometry. Fundamental concepts of Geometry.*Construccións Geometrical in the flat. Flat figures and bodies.5. The magnitudes and the measure. *Introducción And history. The metric system decimal. Magnitude and quantity. Measure of magnitudes. Estimate, errors.7. The mathematical contents in the curriculum of the Childish Education. (*)
(*)2. Logic. Conjoint. Relations: Classifications and *ordenacións. Operations (*)
(*)3. The number. History of the systems of numbering. The natural numbers: cardinal aspect and *ordinal. Operations. Systems of numbering. Numerical groups. (*)2.1 *Introducción and history of the numbers and of the systems of numbering.2.2 The group of the natural numbers.2.3 Operations with natural numbers. Properties.2.4 *Ordenación in *N. Number *ordinal.2.5 Systems of numbering. *Teorema Fundamental.2.6 Change of system of numbering. Operations in a system of numbering.2.7 The whole numbers. The rational numbers. Extension of *Q. The real number.
(*)4. The space. History of the Geometry. Fundamental concepts of Geometry.*Construccións Geometrical in the flat. Flat figures and bodies. (*)
(*)5. The magnitudes and the measure. *Introducción And history. The metric system decimal. Magnitude and quantity. Measure of magnitudes. Estimate, errors. (*)5.1 *Introducción and history. The metric system decimal.5.2 Magnitude and quantity. Measure of magnitudes. Unity of measure.5.3 *Proporcionalidade direct and reverse. Proportional magnitudes.5.4 Length. Amplitude. Extension.5.5 Volume and capacity.5.6 Other magnitudes.5.7 Estimate of measure. Errors.
(*)7. The mathematical contents in the curriculum of the Childish Education. (*)
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