Educational guide 2013_14
Facultade de Historia
Grao en Xeografía e Historia
  Xeografía: Fundamentos de xeografía humana
  Description Qualification
Seminars From the preparation of a put to the day or bibliographic reviewing on subjects and texts related with the appearances of the *temario more notable of the actuality, will expose and will debate the works, that will be grouped by thematic affine.
It will value :
- theoretical Frame.
- Structure and articulation of the work.
- The reflection and critical thought on the contents.
- Quality of exhibition and formal presentation.
Classroom work Final proof about the contents *procedementales of the matter.
They will value :
- The operative knowledges purchased in the practical sessions of classroom.
- The interpretation and graphic representation of the information.

Master Session Examination or final proof written, in which it will have to reach the qualification of 5 to be able to do the global computation of all the activities.
They will value :
- The theoretical knowledges of the matter.
- The structuring of ideas.
- Precision and clarity *expositiva.
Other En todas as actividades e probas que conforman a programación valorarase a asistencia e participación do alumnado. 10
Other comments on the Evaluation
Universidade de Vigo            | Reitoría | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | Spain | Tlf: +34 986 812 000