Guia docente 2012_13
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Máster Universitario en Oceanografía
  Procesos Xeolóxicos en Concas Oceánicas
   Bibliografía. Fontes de información
Einsele, G, Sedimentary Basins. Evolution, Facies, and Sediment Budget., Second edition. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. 792 p.,
Kennet, J.P., Marine Geology., Ed Prentice-Hall, Inc. 813 p.,
Pickering, K.T.; Hiscott, R.N. y Hein, F.J.,, Deep Marine Environments. Clastic Sedimentation and Tectonics, Unwin Hyman Ltd. London. 416 pp.,
Reading, H.G. (Ed.), Sedimentary Envoronments. Processes, Facies and Stratigraphy, 3rd edition. Blackwell Science, 688 pp.,
Vera, J.A., Sedimentación Pelágica. En: Sedimentología (A. Arche, Coord.)., C.S.I.C. Nuevas Tendencias, 2:179-257.,
Catuneanu, O.,, Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy., Elsevier, 375 pp.,
Coe, A.L., The Sedimentary record of Sea-Level Change., Cambridge University Press. 288 pp.,
Rebesco, M., Camerlenghi, A. (Eds),, Contourites, Developments in Sedimentology, Elsevier, 60, 688 pp.,
Stow, D.A.V., Pudsey, C.J., Howe, J.A., Faugères, J.C., Viana, A.R., Deep-Water Contourite Systems: Modern Drifts and Ancient Series, Seismic and Sedimentary Characteristics., Geological Society of London, Memoirs, 22, 464 pp.,
Stow, D.A.V., Reading, H.G., Collinson, J.,, Deep Seas. In: Reading, H.G. (Ed.), Sedimentary Environments,, 3rd edition, Blackwell Sciencepp. 395-453,
Weaver, P.P.E., Wynn, R.B., Kenyon, N.H., Evans, J.,, Continental margin sedimentation, with special reference to north-east Atlantic margin., Sedimentology 47, 239-256.,
Nittrouer, C.A., Austin, J.A., Field, M.E., Kravitz, J.H., Syvitski, J.P.M., Wiberg, P.L., Continental Margin Sedimentation, with special reference to north-east Atlantic margin., Spec. Publication Nº 37, IAS. BLackwell Publishing, 529 pp,
Miall, A.D., Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis, 3rd Edition, Springer, 616 pp,
Leader, M., Sedimentology and Sedimentary Basins. From Turbulence to Tectonics, Blackwell Publishing, 592 pp.,
Shanmugam, G., Deep-Water Processes and Facies Models: Implications for Sandstone Petroleum Reservoirs: 5 (Handbook of Petroleum Exploration and Production)., Elsevier Science, 496 pp.,
Hüneke, H., Mulder, T., Deep-Sea Sediments (Developments in Sedimentology)., Elsevier Science, 750 pp.,

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