Guia docente 2012_13
Facultade de Ciencias do Mar
Grado en Ciencias del Mar
  Fisiología de organismos marinos
   Fuentes de información
Hill, R.W. et al, Fisiología animal.,
Moyes, C. y Schulte, P., Principios de fisiología animal.,
Randall,D. et al., Fisiología animal.,
Willmer, P., Stone, G., Johnston, I., Environmental physiology of animals,,
Withers, P.C., Comparative Animal Physiology.,
Azcón-Bieto J, Talón M, Fundamentos de Fisiología Vegetal, Mc-Graw-Hill Interamericana, Madrid,
Taiz L., Zeiger E, Plant Physiology., 3rd ed. Sinauer Assoc. Inc., Sunderland.,
Lobban CS, Harrison PJ, Seaweed Ecology and Physiology, Cambridge University Press, New York,

Bibliografía Complementaria

Fisiología Vegetal.

Buchanan BB, Gruissem W, Jones RL (2000) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. American Society of Plant Physiologists, Rockville.

Reigosa MJ, Pedrol N, Sánchez A (Eds.) (2003) La Ecofisiología Vegetal. Una ciencia de síntesis. Thomson, Madrid.

Hopkins WG, Hüner PA (2003) Introduction to Plant Physiology. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Lee RE (1999). Phycology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


Fisiología Animal.

Abbott, N.J., Williamson, R. y Molineux, G. Cephalopod neurobiology. Ed. Oxford University Press, 1995.

Ali, M.A. Nervous systems in invertebrates. Ed. Plenum Press, 1987.

Atema, J., Fay, R.R., Popper, A.N. y Tavolga, W.N. Sensory biology ofaquatic animals. Ed. Springer-Verlag, 1988.

Baldiserotto,B. Et al. Fish osmoregulation. Ed. Science publishers, 2007.

Barber, A. y Ponz, F. Principios de Fisiología AnÍmal. Ed. Síntesis, 1998.

Bentley, P.J. Comparative vertebrate endocrinology. Ed. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Bentley, P.J. Endocrines and osmoregulation. Ed. Springer. 2002.

Bennet, P.B. y Marquis, R.E. Basic and applied high pressure biology. Ed. University of Rochester Press, 1994.

Breidbach, O. y Kutsch, W. The nervous system of invertebrates: an evolutionary and comparative approach. Ed. Birkhauser, 1995.

Burggren, W. W. y Keller, B.B. Development of cardiovascular systems, molecules to organisms. Ed. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Coast, G.M. y Webster, S.G. Recent advances in arthropod endocrinology. Ed. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Dantzler, W .H. Comparative physiology .Ed. Oxford University Press, 1997

Dantzler, W.H. Comparative physiology ofthe vertebrate kidney. Ed. Springer verlag, 1989.

Daniel, T.L. Invertebrate swimming. Ed. Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Evans, D.H. The physiology of fishes. 3ª Edicion. CRC Press, 2006.

Farrell, A.P. and Steffensen, J.F. The physiology of polar fishes, fish physiology vol. 22. Ed. Academic Press, 2005.

Fernandes,M.N. et al. Fish respiration and environment. Ed. Science publishers, 2007.

Gage, J.D. y Tyler, P.A. Deep-sea biology. Ed. Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Gilles, R. y Gilles-Baillien, M. Transport processes, iono- and osmoregulation. Ed. Springer Verlag, 1985.

Gilles, R., Hoffmann, E.K. y Bolis, L. Volume and osmolality control in animal cells. Ed. Springer Verlag, 1991.

Hara,T. et al. Sensory systems neuroscience, fish physiology vol 25. Ed. Academic Press, 2006

Hazon, N. and Flik, G. Osmoregulation and drinking in vertebrates. Ed. Bios, 2002.

Herring, P.J., Campbell, A.K., Whitfield, M. y Maddock, L. Light and Iife in the sea. Ed. Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Jobling, M. Fish bioenergetics. Ed. Chapman and Hall, 1994.

Johnston, I.A. y Bennett, A.F. Animals and temperature. Ed. Cambridge University Press, 1996.

KandeI, E.R. y Schwartz, J.H. Principles of neuraI sciences. Ed. E1sevier, 1990.

Kay, I. Introduction to animal physiology. Ed. Bios Scientific, 1997.

Ladich, F. et al. Communication in fishes. Ed. Science publishers, 2006

Laverack, M.S. PhysiologicaI adaptations ofmarine animals. Ed. Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Maina, J.N. The gas exchangers. Ed. Springer, 1998.

Mantel, L.H. The biology of crustacea, vol 5 (IntemaI anatomy and physiologicaI regulation). Ed. Academic Press, 1983.

Mente, E. Nutrition, physiology and metabolism in crustaceans. Ed. Science publishers, 2003.

Mines, A.H. Respiratory physiology. Ed. Raven Press, 1993.

Nagabhushanam, R. et al. Biotechnology of aquatic animals. Ed. Science Publishers, 2004.

Nikinmaa, M. Vertebrate red blood cells. Ed. Springer Verlag, 1990.

Norris, D.O. Vertebrate endocrinology. Ed. Academic Press, 2007.

Nilsson, S. and Holmgren, S. Comparative physiology and evolution ofthe autonomic nervous system. Ed. Harwood, 1993.

Palmer, J.D. The biologicaI rhythms and clocks ofintertidaI animals. Ed. Oxford University Press, 1995.

Perry, S.F. and Tufts, B. Fish respiration. Ed. Academic Press, 1998.

Portner, H.O. Cold ocean physiology. Ed. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Prosser, C.L. Environmenta1 and metabolic animal physiology. Ed. Wiley-Liss, 1991.

Prosser, C.L. NeuraI and integrative animal physiology. Ed. Wiley-Liss, 1991.

Randall, D.J. Deep sea fishes. Ed. Academic Press, 1997.

Rankin, J.C. and Jensen, F.B. Fish ecophysiology. Ed. Chapman and Hall, 1993.

Ratcliffe, N.A. y Rowley, A.F. Invertebrate blood cells. Ed. Associated Press, 1981.

Reutter, K., Kapoor,B.G. Fish chemosenses. Ed. Science publishers, 2005.

Reinecke,M. et al., Fish endocrinology. Ed. Science publishers, 2006.

Rocha,M.J. et al. Fish reproduction. Ed. Science publishers, 2007.

Saleuddin, A.S.M. y Wilbur, K.M. The mollusca vols 4 and 5 (physiology parts 1 and 2). Ed. Academic Press, 1983.

Shadwick, R.E. and Lauder, G.V. Fish biomechanics, fish physiology vol. 23. Ed. Academic Press, 2006.

Sloman, K.A. et al. Behaviour and physiology of fish, fish physiology vol. 23. Ed. Academic Press, 2006.

Schmidt-Nielsen, K. Animal physiology .Adaptation and Environment (5a ed). Ed. Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Stevens, C.E. y Hume, I.D. Comparative physiology of the vertebrate digestive system. Ed. Cambridge University Press, 1995.

Trouchot, J .R. Comparative aspects of extracellular acid-base balance. Ed. Springer Verlag, 1987.

Val, A.L. et al. Fish adaptations. Ed. Science Publishers, 2003.

Val, A.L. et al. The physiology of tropical fishes, fish physiology vol. 21. Ed. Academic Press, 2006.

Vogel, S. Life in moving fluids. Ed. Princeton University Press, 1994.

Wiese, K. The crustacean nervous system. Ed. Springer. 2002.

Wiltschko, R. y Wiltschko, W. Magnetic orientation in animals. Ed. Springer Verlag, 1995.

Wood, C.M. y Shuttleworth, T .J .Cellular and molecular approaches to fish ionic regulation. Ed. Associated Press, 1995.

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