Guia docente 2012_13
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Grao en Tradución e Interpretación
  Idioma moderno: Idioma 1, III: Inglés
Topic Sub-topic
(*)2. *Sentence *structure (*)*Overview *of *basic *mistakes *in *English. *Review *of *verb Tighten. *Perfect *aspect, simple *and *continuous *forms. *Narrative Tighten. *Ways *of *refering *to *the *future
(*) (*)
(*)4. *Word *formation (*)*Main *Types. *suffixes *and @Prefixar, *Compound *adjectives, *compound *nouns *from *phrasal *verbs. *Loans
(*)5. *Verb *patterns (*)*Gerunds *and *infinitives, *that *clauses. *Reporting *verbs.
(*)6. *Idiomatic *language (*)*Collocations, *fixed *phrases *and *idioms. *Word+ *preposition. *easily *confused *words
(*)7. Writing 2: a summary (*)Summary of a short text and extensive texts (oral and written), summary of a book (fiction and non-fiction)
Summary dos and dont's.
Model answers
(*)8. *Modality *in *English (*)*Revision *of Modal *verbs *and *conditionals. *Hypothetical *meaning. *Inversion.
(*)*Writing 3: the *book *review (*)*Summary *of *the *plot *of *one *of *the *set *books, *Expressing *own *opinion, *describing *characters, *settings *and *locations *and *commenting *on *relevant *information *within *the *book.
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