Guia docente 2012_13
Facultad de Filología y Traducción
Grao en Tradución e Interpretación
  Ferramentas para a tradución e a interpretación I: Informática
  Description Qualification
Probas prácticas, de execución de tarefas reais e/ou simuladas. Práctica sobre ofimática avanzada; introdución á tradución asistida; e xestión de proxectos, ferramentas telemáticas e traballo colaborativo (40%)

Práctica sobre tradución asistida por computador cun paquete de software específico de tradución asistida (40%).
Probas de tipo test Proba tipo test para avaliar os coñecementos relacionados coas competencias da materia. 20
Other comments on the Evaluation

The academic course has two official announcements of evaluation. In all the announcements, stop the system of qualifications, goes to follow the *RealDecreto 1125/2003, of 5 of September, pole that establishes the European system of credits and the system of *cualificaciónsnas *titulacións university of official character and *validez in all the territory of the Been.


In the first announcement of evaluation the system of evaluation goes to distinguish between them two *modalidades of existent teaching: the *modalidade of "teaching *presencial and continuous evaluation" and *amodalidade of "only final @exame and only evaluation".


The level of *presencialidade minimum stop to be able to receive to the evaluation *continuaserá the recommended by the Commission of Quality, that recommends to establish it in the assistance to 80% of the classes *presenciais, except special circumstances that valued the *docentes. They go to have in account, for example, the special circumstances of the students of selectivity of the announcement of September and of the students of exchange (*Erasmus, Sócrates, *etc.) That, 'traditionally', incorporates but afternoon to the *docencia of the course.

The students that want to receive to the system of continuous evaluation will owe to deliver join *ficha of control (available of free way in the *Conserxería of the FFT of the *Pavillón @Central), *convenientemente filled and with the his photograph. It will owe to deliver it inside the first 15 days of the course. If no delivery to *devandita *ficha will understand that the student does not want to receive to the system of continuous Evaluation.

The students that receive to the *modalidade of teaching *presencial (continuous evaluation) will be able to (and will owe) go accumulating note along the course tie a maximum of 10,0 possible points (100% of the final note of the subject).

The evaluation goes to consist in the realization of a theoretical part and of a practical part:

  • The theoretical part will constitute 20% of the final qualification total (this is, 2,0 points envelope the 10,0 @posible). It will consist in one or several proofs of type test with a maximum value of 2,0 points in total. The questions will be related with theoretical aspects of the subject and the value of each correct answer will be proportional to the total number of questions formulated. They go *penalizaran so much *asrespostas left in white how the wrong answers. 
  • The practical part will constitute 80% of the final qualification total (this is, 8,0 points envelope the 10,0 @posible). It will consist in one conjoint of practical proofs, of execution of real tasks and/or simulated. #Each of the proofs will have join *pautas concrete of forced *cumprimento how are a time limited of execution, a maximum date of delivery and some specific parameters of realization (with ones programs and concrete versions to employ, with some specific formats of work, with some concrete methods of delivery, *etc.). Any proof delivered that it do not fulfil with the requirements demanded will be *penalizada second the parameters of evaluation established of *antemán. Each proof will be able to deliver an alone time. Once *expirado the maximum term of delivery will not accept test any (except special circumstances that valued the *docentes) and the no delivered proofs will zone with 0,0 points.

To approve the subject in the continuous evaluation of this first announcement the students will owe to obtain a minimum of 5,0 points adding the qualification obtained in the theoretical part and the qualification obtained in the practical part of the continuous evaluation of the subject.

Although the Commission of Quality and the Coordination of Degree 'recommend' that the students that in the first announcement do not surpass the continuous evaluation can not present to the only evaluation; in this subject in @particular, and of exceptional way by the special circumstances of the same (work with machines can result a lot of times even until *desesperante; a lot of times his 'behaviour' is *impredicible; and, yes well at the beginning of the course to configuration of all the computers is the same, the true is that with the *transcorrer of the time each of @el goes purchasing 'proper life' do not know very well *porqué), the students that do not surpass the continuous evaluation YES WILL BE ABLE TO PRESENTED to the final @exame only of the only evaluation.


The students that receive to the *modalidade of only final @exame and the only evaluation go to have to realize an only proof of type test with a maximum value of 10,0 points in total (100% of the final note).

The questions will be related, of general way, with theoretical and practical aspects of the subject; and, of particular way, with the practical proofs of execution of real tasks and/or simulated realized in the *modalidade of teaching *presencial. Since in this *modalidade of final @exame (by reasons of time, infrastructure and of procedure, basically) does not go demand to the students that do any practical proof, how minimum, goes him demand that it test that it would know to do them went necessary (that would know to use the programs, formats, procedures, methodologies, *etc. Exigible stop his realization).

The value of each correct answer will be proportional to the total number of questions formulated; and, go *penalizaran so much *asrespostas left in white how the wrong answers.

To approve the subject in this only evaluation of the first announcement the students will owe to obtain a minimum of 5,0 points in the final @exame only of the only evaluation of the subject.

By agreement of the Together of Empower of the 11/06/12, in this academic course 2012-2013, the responsibility to fix the date stop the realization of the only @exame final of the each subject will run to charge of the *docentes of the subject. In this case in concrete the final @exame only of the subject will take place the last week of the course. The day and the date reminded will be communicated to the *Decanato of the FFT and to the students of the subject, and published so much in the web of the FFT how in the web of the subject, so prompt how are fixed the definitive schedules of the subject.


The students that present to the second announcement of evaluation goes to have to realize an only proof of type test with a maximum value of 10,0 points in total (100% of the final note).

The questions will be related, of general way, with theoretical and practical aspects of the subject; and, of particular way, with the practical proofs of execution of real tasks and/or simulated realized in the *modalidade of teaching *presencial. Since in this *modalidade of final @exame (by reasons of time, infrastructure and of procedure, basically) does not go demand to the students that do any practical proof, how minimum, goes him demand that it test that it would know to do them went necessary (that would know to use the programs, formats, procedures, methodologies, *etc. Exigible stop his realization).

The value of each correct answer will be proportional to the total number of questions formulated; and, go *penalizaran so much *asrespostas left in white how the wrong answers.

To approve the subject in this second announcement the students will owe to obtain a minimum of 5,0 points in the only proof type test.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000