Guia docente 2012_13
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Didáctica da relixión católica
Topic Sub-topic
Block 1. Study of the childish psychology regarding the religious field. - Religious pedagogy in general
Block 2. Main questions of the pedagogy of the Religion, having *encuenta the educational practice and the *secuenciación of the contents of the area. - The education of the Religion in the school level
Block 3. Specific subjects of the didactic of the Religion of the *didácticainfantil and his application to the distinct cores of content, in particular to *laenseñanza of the Bible, of the sacraments, the values and Catholic morals. Distinction and complementarity between religious education and *catequesis
Block 4. Lines of current investigation in didactic of the Religion *yposibles roads of investigation for the future. - Didactic diagrams for the development of the religious education in this period
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