Guia docente 2012_13
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Coñecemento do medio natural
Topic Sub-topic
(*)The natural means. (*)Approach *sistémico and *interdisciplinario. The investigation in the scientific communities and in the classroom.
(*)The Earth. (*)The planet in the Universe. Situation, movements and effects *terréstres.
(*)The Atmosphere. (*)The air. The structure of the atmosphere. The climate and the time. The *polución and the climatic change.
(*)The *hidrosfera. (*)The water. Waters *superficias and underground. *Oceanos And seas. Tides and marine currents. The pollution.
(*)The *xeosfera. (*)Minerals and rocks. The structure of the Earth and the geological processes.
(*)The *biosfera. (*)The alive beings. Model to be alive and his relation with the half. Evolution and *biodiversidade.
(*)Sustainable development. (*)Data of @el past *y of @el present. #Some *contradiccións of the current world. Projection of future and repercussion stop the humanity.
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