Guia docente 2012_13
E. S. de Ingeniería Informática
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Software Intelixentes e Adaptables
  Description Qualification
Prácticas de laboratorio During laboratory practices and assess the suitability of activud students sumándoles to 0.5 points out of 10 in the final grade. 5
Presentacións/exposicións The subject project will be evaluated both in terms of clarity of presentation and appearance quality. 20
Resolución de problemas e/ou exercicios Assess the student's ability to solve problems or exercises. This type of testing will be done in small groups and personal treatment. 20
Probas de resposta longa, de desenvolvemento There will be a test to assess student knowledge. In this test all students must attend. 35
Outras It is an oral test for students not only attend 85% of the classes and / or have not covered all evaluation activities. This test replaces the test labs and resolution of problems / exercises 20
Other comments on the Evaluation

The students have of two modalities for *acudir to this *asignatura:

*Presencial: Consider that a student is *presencial when *acude to more than 85% of the classes of theory and realises all the proofs.

No *presencial: When a student does not fulfil the necessary condition to be considered a student *presencial.

The students *presenciales will be evaluated of continuous form evaluating the following appearances:

  • Presentation of the work end of *asignatura (in groups)
  • Development and participation in the practices of laboratory
  • Resolution of problems and/or exercises of form *personalizada
  • A proof written in which will do a final evaluation of his knowledges

So that a student *presencial can surpass the *asignatura has to surpass like minimum the proof written and the work of the *asignatura.

The students us *presenciales will be evaluated with three proofs that will have to surpass of independent form:

  • A proof written in the than will do a final evaluation of the his knowledges
  • *Unha Oral proof in which will do an evaluation of the knowledges and capacities of the student when facing a real problem
  • Besides they will have to present a work that will be equivalent to the realised by his mates. They Will have to do it of individual form and present it in front of the professor.

So that a student no *presencial can surpass the matter will have to surpass all these proofs.

Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000