Guia docente 2011_12
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Primaria
  Lingua e literatura: Español
Topic Sub-topic
(*)1. The *linguaxe how system *decomunicación. (*)1.1. The tongue, the *linguaxe and the linguistic.1.2. The linguistic disciplines.
(*)2. Literature, culture, tradition, innovation. (*)2.1. Conception *y paper of wool literature in him curriculum of wool primary education.
(*)2. Basic principles of editorial *duntexto. (*)2.1. The unity ext.2.2. Coherence *ecohesión. *Procedimientos *cohesivos.2.3. The *marcadores of the speech and the informative functions.2.4. Normative questions and of style.
(*)4. The *oralidade (*)4.1. Forms of the public communication: *odebate, the forum, the colloquium, *etc.
(*)5. Unity and variety of the Spanish: standard, *socilectos and registers. (*)5.1. Norm and use of the Spanish: the common Spaniard and the standard Spaniard.5.2. The *sopciolectos.5.3. The levels of speech: literate, colloquial, the slang, *etc.
(*)5. Didactic of the tongue and of the literature (*)5.1. Development of the *hablidades communicative in the classroom.5.2. Development of the *destrezas basic of writing and of reading.5.3. Development of educative experiences and didactic materials.
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000