Guia docente 2011_12
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  A educación física como medio de interdisciplinaridade
Topic Sub-topic
(*)BLOCK *TEMATICO1. The *motricidad like tool and link *interdisciplinar. (*)Introduction and concepts. The And.*F. *epistemología And fields.The interdisciplinarity. Transfer and approach *globalizador.*Ambitos Of experience in the Childish Education. *Areas And his relation with the And.*F.
(*)BLOCK *TEMATICO 2. Methodology for the integration of contents *motrices *interdisciplinares. (*)Programming of the And.*F. Means and methods.The And.*F. In the curriculum of Childish. Educational project and Project *Curricular.Contained guide. *Psicomotricidad And Game in And. Childish.
(*)BLOCK *TEMATICO 3. Physical activities *interdisciplinares. Proposals and practical resources (*)Activities *interdisciplinares. Work with projects.Transversal subjects in Childish Education.Proposals and practical resources.
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