Guia docente 2011_12
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Expresión musical e a súa didáctica
Topic Sub-topic
(*)1. Know the elements of the music, for his didactic and pedagogical application. (*)1.1. Parameters of the sound and dimensions of the music.1.2. Exercises and games for the perception of the elements of the music.
(*)2. Learn the *grafías conventional and no conventional basic of the musical language. (*)2.1. Rhythmical writing.2.2. Melodic writing.2.3. Dictated rhythmical / melodic.2.4. *Grafías Alternative.
(*)3. Know create musical activities to solve problems of understanding and *destreza musical. (*)3.1. Activities *perceptivas.3.2. Activities of reaction.3.3. Activities of musical consciousness.3.4. Models of dictated musical.
(*)4. Know adapt a musical piece to activities *lúdicas. (*)4.1. Music and word.4.2. Music movement.4.2. Music and *transversalidad.
(*)5. Know use a vocal and instrumental repertoire for childish . (*)5.1. School repertoire.5.2. Traditional repertoire.5.3. Songs with gestures.5.4. Songs of replacement.5.5. Songs-tale.
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