Guia docente 2011_12
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Psicoloxía: Identificación, prevención e tratamento dos trastornos do desenvolvemento e da conduta
Topic Sub-topic
(*)Introduction to the *psicopatoloxia childish. (*)Fundamental @Paradigma of the *psicoloxíainfantil. Normal psychological development *eanormal. Factors that influence in the *desenvolvementopatolóxico. *Psicopatoloxías Main and minor.Historic evolution of the *psicopatoloxía childish.International classifications in *psiquiatría.Basic concepts in *psicopatoloxía childish.
(*)*Psicopatoloxía Of the corporal functions *basicas in the *infancia. (*)The anorexia: symptoms, causes and consequences. Other anomalies of the *alimenación: *bulimia, *rumiación, hammers. *Trastornos Of the elimination: *enurese, *encoprese childish. *Trastornos Of the are it in the *infancia: terrors, nightmares, *sonambulismo. *Trastornos *psicomotores: The *tics, *estereotipias, *maniarismos. Aspects *psicopatolóxicos in the evolution and dysfunctions of the sexuality.
(*)*Psicopatoloxía Of the *funcions *psiquicas in the *infancia. (*)*Deficiencias In the intelligence.The levels *deintelixencia. Clinical forms of *deficienciamental. Causes of the *deficiencia mental.*Deficiencias In the memory and in the attention.*Trastornos Of the perception. *Trastornos *dalinguaxe. The *trastornos of the thought. *Asideas Obsessive and *trastornos *delirantes.
(*)*Trastonos *angustioso-afectivos In the *infancia. (*)The *trastornos of the anxiety in the @neno.Symptoms *psicofisiolóxicos. The *depresiónsinfantís. The causes of the childish depression. *Asconductas *suicidas In the *infancia and adolescence.The phobias us @neno. The *trastornos *bipolares.The timidity in the *infancia. *Trastornos *poransiedade Generalized. *Trastorno Of panic. *Onervosismo *postraumático.
(*)Specific syndromes of this age. (*)The childish autism. The syndrome *deAsperger. The syndrome of *Rett. The *psicosedesintegrativa. The @neno *epiléptico. The *nenohistérico. The syndrome of *TDAH. The *síndromede *Munchausen.
(*)Disorders in the behaviours *infatís. (*)*Enraizamento Of the *trastornos of the personality since it *infancia. *Oscomportamentos *disociais. I harass IT pupil(*bulling). The concept of @neno dictator. *Adesestruturación Familiar and environmental *comocausa of behaviours *antisociais. The *consumode alcohol and his consequences. The consumption of drugs and his consequences. Early awareness of the harmful effects of the *toxicomanías. The @neno liar. Initiation of the *trastornos of the personality since it *infancia: *naricismo, *histrionismo, *paranoidismo, sadism…
(*)The methods *psicoterapéuticos stop this age. (*)The process of *diagnóstco in the *psicoloxíainfantil. The methods *psicoterapéuticosna *infancia. The *reeducación *terapéuticamultidisciplinar. *Modalidades Of intervention.The therapy *cognitivo-condutual in the *infancia. *Orol *pleying. The *ludoterapia. The *desensibilizaciónsistemática in the *infancia.
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