Guia docente 2011_12
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Psicoloxía: Fundamentos psicolóxicos da intervención temperá
Topic Sub-topic
(*)The HUMAN DEVELOPMENT The DEVELOPMENT *PRENATAL The *NEONATO To FIRST *INFANCIA To SECOND *INFANCIA EARLY ATTENTION And *TRASTORNOS NO DEVELOPMENT (*)1.-The nature of the human development. 2.-*Determinantes Of the development . 3.-The stages of the life. 1.- Beginning of the life and growth *prenatal 2.- The development of the *conducta *prenatal 3.- The process of the birth 4.- Fetal anomalies and complications in the childbirth 1.-The *neonato 2.-States and rhythms of the baby 3.-The @reflexo 4.-Early development of the perception 5.-Social interaction 1.- The development of the brain 2.- The development of the @motor skills 3.- The perception 4.- The intelligence 5.- The affectivity 6.- The *Linguaxe 1.- Physical development and *psicomotor. 2.- Development of the intelligence. 3.- The socialization: family and school. 4.- The *Linguaxe. 5.- The Affectivity .- The *discapacidade intellectual 2.- The *discapacidade visual 3.- The *discapacidade *auditiva 4.- The cerebral @parálise 5.- *Trastornos Of the spectrum *autista
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