Guia docente 2011_12
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Psicoloxía: Fundamentos psicolóxicos da intervención temperá
   Learning aims
Expected results from this subject Typology Training and Learning Results
(*)Know the evolution of the *linguaxe in the first *infancia, know identify possible dysfunctions and *velar by the his correct evolution. Know *fundamentos of premature attention and the bases and developments that allow to understand the psychological processes, of learning and of building of the personality in the first *infancia To9 Know the organization of the schools of childish education and the diversity of actions that understands his operation. Assume that the exercise of the function *docente owes to perfect and adapt to the scientific changes, pedagogical and social along the life To10 Act how *orientador of parents and mothers in relation with the familiar education in the period 0-6 and dominate social skills in the deal and relation with the family of each student and with the conjoint of the families To11 *Reflexionar envelope the practices for *innovar and improve the *labor *docente Purchase frocks and *destrezas stop the autonomous learning and cooperative and promote it in the students *B7 Resolution of problems *B9 Work in team *B15 autonomous Learning
Know How
Universidade de Vigo            | Rectorado | Campus Universitario | C.P. 36.310 Vigo (Pontevedra) | España | Tlf: +34 986 812 000