Guia docente 2011_12
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Educación: Novas tecnoloxías aplicadas á educación infantil

Other comments
RECOMMENDS : 1) continuous Assistance to the sessions of theory and practical. The assistance considers fundamentally stop the follow-up of the subject by part of the students and stop the evaluation, by part of the *docentes, of the degree of development of the instrumental capacities and procedimentais. More of 3 faults supposes the compulsory presentation of the student/it to the practical @exame of the subject. 3 or least faults will have to recover of the way reminded with the professor. 2) Dominance of the *informática to level user, what supposes handle it of applications of general character (for example, a treatment of texts, a base of data and a program of presentations), of the email and Internet. 3) favourable Attitude and *receptiva stop the experimentation and exploration of the possibilities that offer the technologies in the educative field. 4) That the students no assistant communicate it the before possible to determine the methodological alternatives and of evaluation that go follow.
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