Guia docente 2011_12
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte
Grao en Educación Infantil
  Educación: Novas tecnoloxías aplicadas á educación infantil
Topic Sub-topic
(*)THEORETICAL PART (*)10 subjects
Tema 1: As TIC na sociedade da información

1.1. Alfabetización tecnolóxica e competencia dixital
1.2. Impacto social e educativo da cultura audiovisual e dixital
1.3. Papel dos centros educativos na sociedade da información
Tema 2: A integración das TIC en contextos educativos
2.1. Factores que influen na súa integración
2.2. Perspectivas curriculares e modelos de integración das TIC
2.3. Proxectos nacionais de implantación das TIC nos centros

Tema 3: Recursos multimedia para a educación

3.1. Concepto, clasificación e características dos multimedia educativos
3.2. Funcións e orientacións para o uso didáctico do multimedia educativo
3.3. Selección y avaliación de multimedias educativos
3.4. Diseño e elaboración de materiais didácticos multimedia
Tema 4: Recursos web para a educación

4.1. Ferramentas de comunicación en educación: mail, foros, chat, mensaxería....
4.2. Aplicacions educativas da Web 2.0
4.3.Metodoloxías de traballo con Internet na aula: webquest, cazas do tesouro...
Tema 5: Novas posibilidades educativas e desafíos na rede

5.1. Seguridade da infancia en Internet
5.2. Entornos virtuais de ensinanza-aprendizaxe
5.3. Traballo colaborativo con TIC
(*)Subject 6: The *linguaxe audiovisual and the media of masses (*)6.1. Reading of images. The digital image6.2. The television and the advertising in the classroom6.3.Another media of masses in the classroom
(*)Subject 7: educative Utilization of the come it and of the cinema (*)7.1. Functions of the come it in the education 7.2. Methodology, use and didactic exploitation of the come them 7.3.Integration of the cinema in education 7.4.The *cineforum how strategy of intervention in the classroom
(*)Subject 8: educative Inclusion with support of the TIC (*)8.1. The technologies of support to diversity: typologies and functions8.2. Criteria stop his inclusion in the *curriculum8.3. *Ventaxas Of the integration of the TIC stop the *inclusion of the students
(*)Subject 9: Processes of *ensino- learning with TIC (*)9.1. Of the book of text *ó digital book9.2. Methodology of work with the *Pizarra digital in the classroom9.3. The classroom of *informática or the computer in the classroom
(*)Subject 10: The evaluation and the *titoría through the TIC (*)10.1. The *portafolio and the *rúbrica stop the evaluation and *seguemento of learnings 10.2. The action *titoríal taken part by TIC
(*)PRACTICAL PART (*)Activities of application of the knowledges to concrete situations and of acquisition of basic skills and *procedimentais related with the subject. They develop through the TIC of autonomous way in special spaces with equipment *especializado. The practical, that will concretize in the first week of class in function of the previous knowledges of the students and the *disponibilidade of resources, will turn in cabbage of the following axes:1. Tools stop the work *docente *colaborativo in net.2. Analysis and selection of materials and educative resources in electronic format.3. Planning and design of materials and educative resources in electronic format.4. Conditions stop the implementation of materials and educative resources in electronic format.5. Tools for it *titoría, management and organization of the centre and classroom.The final product will be a *E-PORTFOLIO that will elaborate along the *cuadrimestre and that will owe to contain, go in others, the collection or *recompilación in digital format of #each of the tasks and reflections that each student will go *ensamblado, keeping and taking care.
(*)THEORETICAL PART (*)10 subjects
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