Guia docente 2011_12
Facultade de Belas Artes
Grao en Belas Artes
  Arte e espazo social
Topic Sub-topic
(*)1- artistic interventions in the urban space (*)-Manual of good practices in urban spaces-Big international urban exhibitions. It Documents it of *Kassel, the Biennial of *Estambul, the biennial of Venecia-artistic Interventions in the local field. The *illa give sculptures-Announcements of national urban projects
(*)2-Functions of the art in the public space (*)-The monumental function of the art. -The *acercamiento between the art and the life. -Social function of the museums, cultural centres, foundations and other places of exhibitions.-The revitalisation of spaces degraded.
(*)3-critical Art and activism (*)-Activism in Internet. -The artist and the society. Paper of the artist in the society of the art and in the society in *generalLa training of the artist. Libertad of expression.-Art and political. The art like propaganda in the authoritarian and democratic diets.-Thematic urban: advertising, *gentrificación, degradation of the public space, minorities, *consumismo, *graffiti.
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