Guia docente 2010_11
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Grao en Linguas Estranxeiras
  Pronunciación do primeiro idioma estranxeiro: Inglés
Topic Sub-topic
(*)1. Introduction (*)1. Phonetics versus Phonology, phonetic transcriptions.
(*)2. Articulatory Phonetics (*)2. The production of speech.
(*)3. The English consonant system (*)3. Inventory, description, classification in terms of features, formulation of phonological rules, orthographic representation.
(*)4. The English vowel system (*)4. Cardinal vowels, inventory, description, classification in terms of features, orthographic representation.
(*)5. Major pronunciation varieties in the English-speaking world. (*)5. RP, General American and Estuary English.
(*)6. English syllable structure (*)6. Monosyllabic and polysyllabic words, syllabification.
(*)7. Phonotactics (*)7. Onset phonotactics and rhyme phonotactics
(*)8. Allophony (*)8. Principles of allophony, English allophones, rules of allophonic change.
(*)9. Phonological processes in speech (*)9. Assimilation, reduction, elision, linking
(*)10. Stress and rhythm (*)10. Stress rules, stress timing vs. syllable timing
(*) (*)
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