Guia docente 2009_10
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Mestrado Universitario en Estudos Ingleses Avanzados: Interpretación Textual e Cultural das Sociedades Anglófonas Contemporáneas
  Cambio Lingüístico e Variación na Lingua Inglesa: Liñas e Métodos de Investigación
   Bibliografía. Fontes de información

Bibliografía básica

Brinton, L.J., 1996. Pragmatic Markers in English. Grammaticalization and Discourse Functions. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Brinton, L.J. and Traugott, E.C. 2005. Lexicalization and Grammaticalization in Language Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hopper, P.J. and E.C. Traugott, 2003. Grammaticalization. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Lehmann, C., 1985. Grammaticalization: Synchronic variation and diachronic change. Lingua e Stile 20/3: 303-318.

Traugott, E.C., 1995. Subjectification in grammaticalisation. In Stein, D. and S. Wright (eds.) Subjectivity and Subjectivisation: Linguistic perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 31-54.

Jucker, A.H., 2000. History of English and English Historical Linguistics. Stuttgart: Klett. (Chapters 7 & 9).


Bibliografía recomendada


Beths, F. 1999. The history of dare and the status of unidirectionality. Linguistics 37: 1069-1110.

Bisang, N., P. Himmelmann and B. Wiemer, 2004.What Makes Grammaticalization?: A Look from its Fringes and its Components. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Bybee, J. 2003. Mechanisms of change in grammaticalization: The role of frequency. In Joseph, B.D. and R.D. Janda (eds.): 602-623.

Campbell, L. (ed.) 2001. Grammaticalization: A Critical Assessment. Language Sciences 23/2-3.

Eckardt, R. 2006. Meaning Change in Grammaticalization: An Enquiry into Semantic Reanalysis. New York: Oxford University Press.

Fischer, O. and A. Rosenbach, 2000. Introduction. In Fischer, O., A. Rosenbach and D. Stein (eds.): 1-37.

Fischer, O., A. Rosenbach and D. Stein (eds.), 2000. Pathways of Change: Grammaticalization in English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Esp. papers by Fischer, Lass, Wischer)

Fischer, O., M. Norde and H. Perridon (eds.) 2004. Up and Down the Cline: The Nature of Grammaticalization. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Esp. papers by Fischer, Norde & Perridon, by Haspelmath and by Joseph)

Giacalone Ramat, A., 1998. Testing the boundaries of grammaticalization. In Giacalone Ramat, A. and P.J. Hopper (eds.): 107-27.

Giacalone Ramat, A. and P.J. Hopper (eds.), 1998. The Limits of Grammaticalization. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Haspelmath, M. 1998. Does grammaticalization need reanalysis? Studies in Language 22/2: 315-351.

Haspelmath, M., 1999. Why is grammaticalisation irreversible? Linguistics 37: 1043-1068.

Heine, B. 2003. Grammaticalization. In Joseph, B.D. and R.D. Janda (eds.): 571-601.

Heine, B., U. Claudi and F. Hünnemeyer, 1991. Grammaticalization: A Conceptual Framework. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Heine, B. and T. Kuteva, 2002. World Lexicon and Grammaticalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hoffmann, S. 2005. Grammaticalization and English Complex Prepositions: A Corpus-based Study. London: Routledge.

Hopper, P.J., 1991. On some principles of grammaticization. In Traugott, E.C. and B. Heine (eds.), vol. 1: 17-35.

Joseph, B.D. and R.D. Janda (eds.) 2003.  A Handbook of Historical Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell.

Kuryłowicz, J., 1975. The evolution of grammatical categories. In Kuryłowicz, Jerzy (ed.) Esquisses linguistiques II. München: W. Fink, 38-54. (First published 1965).

Lehmann, C., 1995 [1982]. Thoughts on Grammaticalization. München: Lincom Europa.

Lindquist, H. and C. Mair (eds.), 2004. Corpus Approaches to Grammaticalisation in English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Esp. papers by Lindquist & Mair and by Nevalainen)

López-Couso, M.J. and E. Seoane (eds.) 2008. Rethinking Grammaticalization: New Perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Moreno Cabrera, J.C., 1998. On the relationships between grammaticalization and lexicalization. In Giacalone Ramat, A. and P.J. Hopper (eds.): 211-227.

Pagliuca, W. (ed.), 1994. Perspectives on Grammaticalisation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Esp. paper by Hopper)

Palander-Collin, M., 1997. A medieval case of grammaticalisation, methinks. In Rissanen, M., M. Kytö and K. Heikkonen (eds.) Grammaticalisation at Work. Studies in Long-term Developments in English. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 371-403.

Roberts, I. and A. Roussou, 2003. Syntactic change: A Minimalist Approach to Grammaticalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Seoane, E. and M.J. López-Couso (eds.), 2008. Theoretical and empirical issues in grammaticalization. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Tabor, W. and E.C. Traugott, 1998. Structural scope expansion and grammaticalisation. In Giacalone Ramat, A. and P.J. Hopper (eds.): 229-272.

Traugott, E.C., 1988. Pragmatic strengthening and grammaticalization. In Axmaker, S., A. Jaiser and H. Singmaster (eds.) Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society, 406-416.

Traugott, E.C., 1989. On the rise of epistemic meanings in English: An example of subjectification in semantic change. Language 65/1: 31-55.

Traugott, E.C., 1990. From less to more situated in language: The unidirectionality of semantic change. In Adamson, S., V. Law, N. Vincent and S. Wright (eds.) Papers from the Fifth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 497-517.

Traugott, E.C., 1994. Grammaticalisation and lexicalisation. In Asher, R.E. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Traugott, E.C., 2003. Constructions in grammaticalization. In Joseph, B.D. and R.D. Janda (eds.): 624-647.

Traugott, E.C. and B. Heine (eds.), 1991. Approaches to Grammaticalization. Vols. 1-2. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Traugott, E.C. and E. König, 1991. The semantics-pragmatics of grammaticalization revisited. In Traugott, E.C. and B. Heine (eds.), vol. I: 189-218.

Verhoeven, E., Skopeteas, S., Shin, Y-M., Nishina, Y. and J. Helmbrecht (eds.) 2008. Studies on Grammaticalization. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Wischer, I. and G. Diewald (eds.), 2002. New Reflections on Grammaticalisation. Proceedings from the International Symposium on Grammaticalisation, 17-19 June 1999, Postdam. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Esp. papers by Lehmann, van der Auwera)


Jahr, E.H. (ed.), 1999. Language Change: Advances in Historical Sociolinguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Machan, T.W. and C.T. Scott (eds.) 1992. English in its Social Contexts: Essays in Historical Sociolinguistics.. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Nevalainen, T. and H. Raumolin-Brunberg (eds.) 1996. Sociolinguistics and Language History: Studies Based on the Corpus of Early English Correspondence. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Nevalainen, T. and H. Raumolin-Brunberg 2003. Historical Sociolinguistics : Language Change in Tudor and Stuart England. London: Longman.

Romaine, S. 1982. Socio-historical Linguistics: Its Status and Methodology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Biber, D. and E. Finegan, 1989b. Drift and the evolution of English style: A history of three genres. Language 65: 487-517.

Biber, D. and E. Finegan, 1992. The linguistic evolution of five written and speech-based English genres from the 17th to the 20th centuries. In Rissanen, M., O. Ihalainen, T. Nevalainen and I. Taavitsainen (eds.) History of Englishes: New Methods and Interpretations in Historical Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 688-704.

Biber, D. and E. Finegan, 1997. Diachronic relations among speech-based and written registers in English. In Nevalainen, T. and L. Kahlas-Tarkka (eds.) To Explain the Present. Studies in the Changing English Language in Honour of Matti Rissanen. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique, 253-275.

González-Álvarez, D. and J. Pérez-Guerra, 1998. Texting the written evidence: On register analysis in late Middle English and Early Modern English. Text 18/3: 321-348.

Görlach, M. 1995. Text types and language history. In  Görlach, M. (ed.) New Studies in the History of English. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 141-78.


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